Saturday, October 13, 2012

Read A Thon Updates & Wrapup

Well, I didn't do so well this Read A Thon. I only read about 200 pages. The good news is though, that I was motivated to read those pages much faster because of the readathon then I would have without. The book I finished was Velveteen, and while it was well written there were parts of it that were super slow and made it a struggle to finish.

Woohoo! The Dewey 24 Hour Read A Thon is finally here! This is where I'm going to post my updates & mini-challenges. I used to do a separate post for each update, but I found it easier to do everything in one post. :)

Hour 15: I survived work-barely! Instead of reading like I should be doing to make up for lost time, I thought I would do a mini challenge. This mini challenge is Picturrfic hosted by the blog Stella Matutina. The challenge is to find a picture that relates to the book you are reading and say why it relates to the book. My picture is this:

I am reading Time's Fugitive, by Jennette Marie Powell and it's a time travel book that is set in Dayton, Ohio and thought this picture was perfect because it was shaded and murky, just like time travel is in the book-you never know how things are going to change by going back in time.

Hours 8-12 Work ):

Hours 4-7 Finally finished Velveteen!!! That took forever. I'd love to keep reading, but now it's time for work. ):

Hours 3-4: I'm still reading Velveteen. This book started out great, but is quickly losing steam. It may be a dnf, because I'm already guessing how this book will end.

Hours 1-2:
I am sad to say I got no reading done. I who haven't slept in past 7:30am for 5 years, actually slept in today! It was nice, and hopefully this means I'll be able to stay up late tonight!

Cups of Coffee drank: 1
Number of Pages Read: 0
Food consumed: 0
Movies Watched: 0