Monday, November 28, 2011

Guest post & Giveaway with Lauren Hammond (Chatting w/Buckeyes)

Please help me welcome Lauren Hammond back to Chatting with Buckeyes. She was my very first Ohio author interview, so this time I thought I would do something a little different. Lauren's here to talk about her favorite kind of hero/heroine.

Hi, everyone!
First, I'd like to thank for Colette for having me on the blog today! I'm super excited to share my guest post about my favorite kind of hero/heroine!

I don't know about everyone else, but I am huge sucker for strong characters, male or female. I like when the females are sassy, self-assured, and able to kick some serious butt!

For the guys.... I absolutely love the bad-a****! Or at least they appear to be that way and in the end they always turn out to be more than what you think they are.

Take Damon, from the Vampire Diaries for instance, (*swoons*) he's more than what appears to be. Yes, he's devilish, smoking hot, and a loose cannon. But there's still goodness in him, even if it's buried beneath layers and years of pain and immortality.

As far as some of my favorite female main characters, I'd have to say that Rose from Vampire Academy takes it. She's bold, snarky, and deadly with a silver stake. She's not afraid to put herself on the line or fight for what she wants and I think those are amazing qualities for a character to have.

As far as my character's go, goodness... I'm attached to all of them, but if I had to pick favorites... I'd pick Ellory from A Whisper To A Scream and Henry from He Loves Me...He Loves You Not.

I picked Ellory because she's mouthy, reckless, and kind of bitchy. She tells it like it is...She's also vulnerable, damaged, and a little on the crazy side. I think characters who appear to be hard, but really aren't are interesting characters to write.

And I picked Henry because.... Oh.. Henry. Henry. Henry. I love him. He's hot and cocky, but at the same time he doesn't want to be classified that way just because he happens to be good-looking. And if you haven't read he loves me... I don't want to spill too much... But trust me... Henry is a lover, not a fighter.

Where to find Lauren:
Lauren's Amazon Page:

Lauren is being kind enough to giveaway one Ebook  copy of  He Loves Me... He Loves You Not. (Young adult) To enter, please leave a way for me to contact you if you are the winner Email or a twitter handle is fin & tells us what your favorite kind of hero/heroine.  Giveaway is open until December 5th @ 11:00pm. 

Riley loves Henry. Henry loves Riley, but he's dating Callie. Riley Davis is mixed up in an emotional love triangle that she wants out of. But she can't help the way she feels about Henry Garner. She's obsessed. And she's convinced that her on the sly relationship with Henry is going to end badly.And Henry has a secret. A secret that could make or break one relationship. But which one will it be? His relationship with Callie? Or his romantic entanglement with Riley?