Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Books that linger

The Book List is just a short and fun meme hosted by the wonderful Rebecca at Lost In Books that allows you to share books and make a list of books! Who doesn't love lists?!? I'm guest blogging over there tomorrow  today and answer 20 questions she throws at me. It was so much fun to do-be sure to check it out. When I saw Heidenkinds (from Truth, Beauty, Freedom & Books) post about this  I knew I had to dig through my bookcase and see what books were waiting there to be read...Here are some that I found:

This Week's Topic is: What 3 books have been in your tbr pile the longest? I started digging, and here are a few that I found:

1. The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon-I've had this since it came out in 2001. I've started it countless number of times, but it just hasn't held the same magic for me that Outlander did. I'll get through this someday.
2.  With Every Breath by Lynn Kurland-I've had this one since 2008. Kurland was an auto buy for me, and remains my favorite time travel author. I'm not sure why but the farthest I've been able to make it with this book is page 30. I don't have the heart to throw it out.
3. Dream Warrior by  Sherrilyn Kenyon- I bought this one when it first came out, b/c you really can't get behind with SK's book, and promptly forgot about it. Because I haven't read this, I am now two or three books behind with her series. :sigh:
4. The Red Headed Step Child by Jaye Wells & Table Manners by Mia King-I bought these two together along with Some Girls Bite by Chloe Neill last September or October. I made the mistake of putting them on the bookshelf before I read them. Not a good idea, as the old saying goes: "out of sight, out of mind."

What are some books that have lingered on your bookshelves for much too long?