Saturday, October 26, 2013

Giveaway & Guest Post: The Rise of the Geek Girl by Paige Daniels

Please help me welcome author Paige Daniels To A Buckeye Girl Reads! She's here today talking about the Rise of the Geek Girl! She is the author of the Non Compliance series, and I loved book one so much that I'm giving away one e-book copy from amazon! It's one of those series you really need to take a chance on. My review is here.

Rise of the Geek Girl
When I was a teenager, you know before email, the internet, and when we still had typing classes, there weren’t many girls who proudly proclaimed themselves nerds or geeks. No, not many girls proclaimed their love for nerdy things such as Asimov, Star Trek, or Physics when I was in high school, at least openly anyway. There were many awkward situations in high school. For instance, finding my favorite Star Trek: TNG Episode and saying out loud, “Hey, this is the one where Worf and Troi hook up!”
My friends would look at me quizzically and say, “Who’s Worf?”
I would respond back, “Uh, Worf? Worf who? Let’s turn on Full House, I can’t get enough of those adorable twins.”
As I got into college I started to find more and more people who shared my interests, but being a Physics and Engineering major there weren’t a lot of girls there. But that’s okay, I still felt more comfortable discussing who made a better Captain, Picard or Kirk (It’s Picard). Or snickering with my fellow classmates at those who used the term ‘centrifugal force’ (please don’t use that term every time you do a physicist dies). I was also introduced to new geeky things like graphic novels and anime. I became comfortable with my geekiness and wore it on my sleeve.
But with the advent of what the kids are calling ‘social media’, I’ve started to see the tide turn. Some of my friends’ daughters are waving their geek flag high. With novels such as The Hunger Games Trilogy and Harry Potter being a geek is now chic. A girl of fifteen doesn’t think twice about throwing nerdy memes around Facebook and her friends get it too! I’ve also seen more girls take an interest in science and math (it’s keeping them interested that’s the problem). Geek Girls are no longer vanquished to the dark dungeon, unless of course that’s where they want to be throwing their twelve sided die. I’ve seen females who aren’t ashamed to be called Browcoats, Whovians, and Trekkers. It’s not uncommon to walk into a makerspace and see the ladies soldering up robot right next to the guys. I love it! It warms my heart to see such an explosion of nerdom.
So all you Geek Girls out there: I salute you! Wave your geek flag high and I’ll be right there with you.

Paige Daniels is the pen name for Tina Closser. When she isn't busy with her nine to five job as an electrical engineer she helps her husband with a small hobby farm complete with a mini horse, cows, and sheep. In between farm duties and running the kids to gymnastics she likes to write, thus the creation of this novel.

Where to find Paige:  Website | Facebook

Title: Non Compliance The Sector
Author: Paige Daniels
Genre: Science Fiction/Dystopian

Buy Links Amazon 
Shea Kelly had a brilliant career in technology, but after refusing to implant an invasive government device in her body she was sent to a modern day reservation: a Non-Compliance Sector, a lawless community run by thugs and organized crime.
She’s made a life for herself as a resourceful barkeep, and hacks for goods on the black market with her best friend Wynne, a computer genius and part-time stripper. Life is pretty quiet under the reigning Boss, apart from run-ins with his right hand man, the mighty Quinn: until Danny Rose threatens to take over the sector. Pushed to the edge, Shea decides to fight back …here

Title: Non Compliance The Transition
Author: Paige Daniels
Genre: Science Fiction/Dystopian

Buy Link: Amazon

Three months have passed since Shea Kelly and the rest of Boss's crew eliminated Danny Rose from the Non-Compliance Sector, but their troubles are far from over.

A new, more dangerous opponent has emerged, causing those once considered enemies to strike a tenuous truce. Secrets about the vaccine, the chip, and the past threaten Shea's budding romance, not to mention the very existence of the crew.
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