Sunday, June 16, 2013

For Love or Money by Cathy Perkins

Title: For Love Or Money 

Author: Cathy Perkins
Genre: Romantic Suspense 
Publisher: Entangled Suspense 
Number of Pages: 210 
Source: Publisher 

Cover: I like the cover, but I pictured the heroine totally different. 

Author sighting: I met the author at the Lori Foster Reader/Author Get Together! She is super nice. 

When Holly Price trips over a friend’s dead body while hiking, her life suddenly takes a nosedive into a world of intrigue and danger. The verdict is murder—and Holly is the prime suspect.   Of course, the fact that the infinitely sexy—and very pissed off—cop threatening to arrest her is JC Dimitrak, who just happens to be Holly’s jilted ex-fiancé, doesn’t help matters. To protect her future, her business...and her heart...the intrepid forensic accountant must use all her considerable investigative skills to follow the money through an intricate web of shadow companies, while staying one step ahead of her ex-fiancé. She better solve the case before the real killer decides CPA stands for Certified Pain in the Ass...and the next dead body found beside the river is Holly’s.

I signed up for a blog tour for this book, and somehow got roped into a review of a genre I didn't really care for. You know though? I was pleasantly surprised because I ended up enjoying it! While Holly did some pretty stupid things that had me rolling my eyes, I loved JC! I thought their romance was perfect. Both had a lot of chemistry, and I liked how JC protected Holly, but yet at the same time gave her space to do her own thing. Holly and JC had a lot of issues to work out with each other, and I loved watching them realize that they still had romantic feelings for each other. As always I was  surprised by who the villain was, but shouldn't have been.  

 There is just one tiny thing that bothered me: throughout the whole book Holly mentions she isn't planning on staying in Richland, yet she buys a house there and is fixing it up. Why would she buy a house if she wasn't planning on staying? Why not just stay in an apartment? I don't know why that little thing bothered me, but it did. ;) 

I have to say that I was so surprised that I enjoyed this book that I may just have to give this genre another shot.