Friday, January 27, 2012

Author Interview with Ronnica Zothe

Please help me welcome fellow blogger turned author Ronnica Roth! Ronnica blogs at the Ignorant Historian and has just released her first book, The Journal-A Young Adult Christian Fiction story about set in the future. I am so excited for her release, and can't wait to have her visit again.

Can you tell you us a bit about The Journal?

The Journal is a story set in 2102 about a teenage girl, Amala. As she struggles with some typical teenage drama, she comes across a journal written by another teenage girl written in 2001. The Journal is basically the story of the journey to faith of these two girls.

What inspired you to write the Journal?

One day a few years ago I was in a used book store and thought about what it would be like if one day one of my own journals was found in a used book store some years in the future. The idea stuck with me until I decided to do something about it a year ago.

What do you love most about your heroine?

She's more daring than me, but she's me. All of the insecurities and the pursuit of a singular purpose...yeah, that wasn't hard to write.

What makes this book different from other Christian fiction books?

I would like to think that it's of better quality than the average Christian fiction book, but I doubt it. As much as I love good literature, I'm not sure that my writing is up to par. I can hardly be the judge of that though, can I? I've been told I'm a good writer and have to trust others' opinions while working to continually improve my writing.

In one word, what adjective best describes The Journal?


Was it hard to make the transition from blogger to author?

I approach the two types of writing differently. Writing a blog is "fun," like talking with an old friend. Writing a novel is more like an interview, where you weigh every word, trying to pick just the right one.

If your book were a tv show, who would play your characters?

Not really sure. In the world of The Journal, almost all the characters are multiracial, which would make casting difficult. I'm afraid I'm not up enough on my young actors to know who would be a good fit.

What was the last best book you read?

Last month I read Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie which I really enjoyed. Just loved the protagonist!
Where to find Ronnica:

Buy links:  Smashwords | Amazon

It is 2102. On one of the worst days of her life, Amala makes a discovery that will change her life forever. In a world with little use for paper books, she finds tucked away behind a dusty bookshelf the journal of a teenage girl written in 2001. Although over 90 years separate the two teenage girls, Amala soon learns that navigating the difficult waters of adolescence and life transcends time, but more importantly, she uncovers a valuable story about faith in an uncertain world that resonates with her own experience.  Young adults are certain to appreciate the fresh, authentic writing style taken from actual teenage journals and the candid way challenging, relevant issues are addressed.