Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The Darkest Kiss by Gena Showalter

After finishing Mr. Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange last week I had trouble starting another book. I picked up four and lost interest in each of them about 90 pages in. I don't think it was because the books weren't good, I just wasn't in the right mood for them. I also had a weird stomach thing that made everything seem like a chore to do.
Last night when I was starting to feel better I grabbed a book that had been on my TBR pile for a good month or two-not that long, but long enough to almost be forgotten. The book was The Darkest Kiss by Gena Showalter.

I picked up the first Lords of The Underworld book (The Darkest Night) by chance and at the time was tired of seeing vampires featured in every single paranormal book, so it was a nice change of pace to have a story line that didn't include them. (I love vampires as much as the next girl, but the market is almost over-saturated with vampire books right now.) The Lords of The Underworld are immortal warriors who made the mistake of opening Pandora's box. Their punishment was that each of the had one of the demons that got loose when they opened the box live inside them.

The Darkest Kiss tells the story of Lucien, who is known as The Dark One, Shadow Walker, King of the Dead because the demon that lives inside is death. He was the one who actually opened Pandora's box and almost destroyed everything inside earth. He was given the task of taking souls to either heaven or hell. If he doesn't collect souls then the agony and pain that is brought upon him is beyond compare. (This is what happens when you read too many historical romances-you use words like compare!!)

Anya is the minor goddess of Anarchy and the daughter of lawlessness and dealer of disorder had upset the current ruler of the Gods, Cronus so much that the punishment he told her he would give her would be to hand her over to the Lords of the Underworld. Never one to back down from a challenge, she decided to check out the Lords herself to prepare herself for what would happen. She didn't except to fall for one. She appeared at a going away dance for the Lords and shocked everyone by choosing Lucien to dance with. Out of all the Lords, Lucien isn't considered all that hot because of some nasty scars on face and the scars tend to scare most women away. They don't scare Anarchy though...

Anya and Lucien share a kiss like none other. It leads to an attraction that the other lords are immediately suspicious of: Why is Anarchy helping them? She must be up to something...then as Lucien realizes that he can't get enough of Anya he is delivered this task by Cronus: Kill her or your friends will suffer. Anya also has a curse of her own that she's dealing with and it doesn't make her attraction to Lucien easy to deal with. Lucien is distracted from killing her because he and his friends must find Pandora's box in order to be free of their demons and they must get to it before the hunters, humans who are out to get the lords find it first. However, his time runs short and both of them must come to a decision what is more important: themselves or the love they have for each other?

So much more goes on in this story, but I don't want to ruin it so I'll stop here. All I know is that I can't wait for Paris's story and Torin's story! (Their demons are promiscuity and disease) I find it ironic that the Lord I'm least interested in Reyes (Pain) has his story in book #3.

Sigh meter: High!!!
Hotness meter: Wowzer.
Number of hours of sleep: 4 (I stayed up almost all night reading this!)