I am so excited about the Everything Jane Austen challenge that is being hosted by Stephanie at Stephanie's Written Word that I've decided to the mini-challenge Everything Austen Challenge X Two hosted by Austenprose. What can I say? I'm a sucker for a challenge. I'm looking at as a way to expand my knowledge of Jane Austen. Ok, I can hear you laughing from here...
I wanted to add the following books:
Mr Darcy, Vampyre by Amanda Grange. I haven't read Amanda Grange before, but I love everything paranormal, so this sounds perfect for me. Well, I also read an excerpt from Amazon, and now can't wait to read this book. :) Amanda Grange is also hosting a comptetion on her website to win a copy of this book. (Thanks to Austenprose for tweeting about this contest!)
What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dicken Knew: From Fox Hunting to Whist-The facts of daily life in Nineteenth Century England by Daniel Pool. I've always wanted to learn more about this time period, and I figure there is no time like the present to do so, right? Right!
Bridget Jones' Diary by Helen Fielding- Can you believe I still haven't read this book? I've seen the movie a million times, and have the book sitting on my bookshelf...but for some reason have never been able to make it more then three chapters into the book. I tend to cure that now!
Lost in Austen- Heidenkind convinced me to give this movie a shot..and honestly it seems like it's my type of movie. I have a weakness for cheesy movies.
Becoming Jane-I love Anne Hathaway, and ever since I read an article about how she got the role (she was up all night with a sick dog, and didn't look like her normal perky self) I've wanted to see how she did with it.
Bridget Jones Diary-I know that after I read the book, I'll want to see the movie to compare the two!
Edited to add: My mini challenges:
1. To read/re-read all of Jane Austens books.
2. To get the Jane Austen craft book (the name of which escapes me right now, and create at least 2 crafts from it. )