Monday, January 11, 2010

A Few of My Favorite Families

I'm blaming my week old reading slump on Deb from Bookmagic-I think she gave me hers from. I thought I'd do something a little different and list some of my favorite series families. Here they are:

The Mallories-From Johanna Lindsey-A Gentle Rogue, The first book in the series was the book that started my love of historical romances. I loved James Mallory and all of his brothers!

 O'Malley's-From Beatrice Small-Skye O'Malley is the first book in the series, and one of my favorite smut books ever.

The Frasers-From Diana Gabalon's Outlander series. Jamie was the original Sighworthy and Swoonworthy hero.

The Bridgertons-From Julia Quinn. The Duke and I is one of my favorite historical romances.
(Although I have to admit by Hynacith's story, they got a little well, boring.)

The Sherbrookes- From Catherine Coulter. Before she wrote contemporary mystery romance stories, she wrote amazing historical romances novels.

Mackeltars-From Karen Marie Moning's Highlander Series. Gotta love those sexy highlander brothers.

Demonica Brothers-from Larissa Ione's Demonica Series. What's not to love about E, Shade, and Wraith?

The Dark Hunters- From Sherrilyn Kenyon. Not really a family in a true sense of the word, but...I'm including them. :)

LOFTU- Lords of the Underworld from Gena Showalter...ok, they aren't realted to each other, but like the Darkhunters I'm including them in this list because they are yummy.

Who are some of your favorite families from romance series? I know I've probably forgotten a few that I really love and will kick myself for it later....