Monday, April 9, 2012

Review: Inhale by Kendall Grey

Title: Inhale 
Author: Kendall Grey 
Genre: Urban Fantasy 
Series: Just Breathe #1
Publisher: Self Published
Source: Sent by author

Strangers in reality, inseparable in dreams… After years of suffocating under her boss’s scrutiny, whale biologist Zoe Morgan finally lands a job as director of a tagging project in Hervey Bay, Australia. Success Down Under all but guarantees her the promotion of a lifetime, and Zoe won’t let anything—or anyone—stand in her way. Not the whale voices she suddenly hears in her head, not the ex who won’t take no for an answer, and especially not the gorgeous figment of her imagination who keeps saving her from the fiery hell of her dreams. Gavin Cassidy hasn’t been called to help a human Wyldling in over a year, which is fine by him. Still blaming himself for the death of his partner, he keeps the guilt at bay by indulging in every excess his rock star persona affords. That is, until he’s summoned to protect Zoe from hungry Fyre Elementals and learns his new charge is the key to restoring order in the dying Dreaming. He never expects to fall for the feisty Dr. Morgan…nor does he realize he may have to sacrifice the woman he loves to save an entire country. (goodreads)
*Disclaimer* I received this as an E-arc and while there may be mistakes in the copy, I do not comment on them because it is not the final product.
Inhale is so unique.There is a lot of world building that goes on in Inhale, and I have to admit that I was a bit lost in the beginning. However, once the action starts in dremense everything gelled together and I was pulled into the story even though it has much more fantasy then what I'm used to
Normally it would bother me that the hero and heroine are only together in dreams, but in this book it didn't bother me at all. I think most of that was because I found that Zoe's job as a whale biologist intrigued me. I loved the scenes when her organization battled another one, and learning about what they were doing. I felt like I was on the boat with Zoe working with the whales. I liked how Zoe knew what she wanted-the Vice Presidency of her non profit and wasn't afraid to say it or do what it took to get it. I loved that she wasn't meek and mild and wouldn't let anything stand in her way of what she wanted. The scenes with Gavin and  his band were equally entertaining. I liked seeing him struggle between his work in the band and that as a sentinel.

Zoe and Gavin were the heart of the story, but I have to admit that I fell for the bad guy of the story Sinnder. He wasn't in very many scenes, but he stole the ones he was in. I can tell that deep down he's really a good guy just working with the wrong crowd. The wrong crowd being Scarlet, who was well, just plain bitchy, lol. Scarlet tried her hardest to take over not only her group of elementals, but the world of the Dremensense and wanted Gavin for her own. I loved how everything kept backfiring on her. Have I mentioned how wonderfully bitchy she was?

While there was a lot of set up for the next two books in the series, I never felt like the story being told got lost. Inhale is a great read just because of the unique setting of the story. This was a great debut novel, and I really can't wait to read the next two books.

Barrons Hero Hotness Meter: Medium 
Curran Crush Meter: Medium  
Martini Sigh Meter: Medium 
Rhiannon Kick Ass Heroine Meter: High 
Finn/Swopes Sidekick Meter: High 
Sizzle Meter: Medium