Bloggiesta was started by Natasha at Maw Books and is now being run by There's a Book and It's All About Books. It's like the read-a-thon, only it's to work on updating your blog. I wasn't going to do it this weekend because I knew that today I'd be busy with the JR Ward book signing. (It was fun & a bit overwhelming-blog post coming soon.) However, I realized that my poor blog really needed some TLC so I decided to give it a shot. Here is my to do list for the weekend:
1. Add a facebook like button to my blog~This is going to be a challenge and may have to be done later. This didn't get done..probably won't either.
5. Do two or three mini challenges I wish I had started this challenge earlier so I could have gotten a few of these done.
7. Figure out how to get my arc pdf files & edelweiss arc books onto my kindle fire. It's giving me fits! Still having trouble with Edelweiss. Have correct email for my kindle fire, but they aren't even showing up as pending on my manage my kindle page. Still not working for me. :sigh: