A big thank you to Jo Jo of JoJos Book Corner and Danielle of Lush Book Reviews For Hosting this great event! I am giving away a copy of Megan Hart's Naked and Liberating Lacey by Anne Calhoun for some Steamin' Easter Reading and a cute little tiny stuffed teddy bear (picture to come) that I won in my first ever read a thon, and while I love it I think it should see the world a bit!
Please state which book you'd like to win in the comments :)
Giveaway A:


Lacey knows Hunter—gorgeous, hard-edged and eight years younger—won't want anything permanent. No matter how hot and daring he makes her first public sex, quickie, backseat encounter and secret fantasy role-play, she can't mistake adventurous sex for emotional involvement.They both know it's got to end, and soon, or someone's going to get hurt. But can either of them go back to life without the other?
Reader Advisory: Lacey's highly erotic "forced" sex fantasy comes true in this book. Lucky her!
Rules and such:
This giveaway is open only to residents in US/Canada-sorry! You must also be a blog follower to enter :) If your email isn't on your blogger profile, Please leave it so I have a way to contact you if you win! If I don't hear from the winner by 2:00pm on April 20th, then I'll have to pick a new winner. Check the blogs below for other great giveaways!!