Please help me welcome one of my favorite Paranormal Romance Authors, Jill Myles to A Buckeye Girl Reads. She's the author of the series Succubi Diaries. Book one is Gentlemen Prefer Succubi, book two is Succubi Like It hot, and the third book in the series, My Fair Succubi releases December 28th, 2010. (squeeee!)

Jill Myles has been an incurable romantic since childhood. She reads all the ‘naughty parts’ of books first, looks for a dirty joke in just about everything, and thinks to this day that the Little House on the Prairie books should have been steamier.
After devouring hundreds of paperback romances, mythology books, and archaeological tomes, she decided to write a few books of her own – stories with a wild adventure, sharp banter, and lots of super-sexy situations. She prefers her heroes alpha and half-dressed, her heroines witty, and she loves nothing more than watching them overcome adversity to fall into bed together.
She wasn’t born with a pen in her hand, like most writers. Jill did stick the occasional crayon up her nose, but she eventually grew out of that. Mostly.
Jill Myles and the Spoiler Free Zone
Confession time!
I suck with giving hints about upcoming books. It’s true. I think this was an author skill we were supposed to learn sometime during Publishing Boot Camp. The skill that would allow me to smile coyly and offer you amazing tidbits about what’s going to be in the next book. Where I string together some completely nonsensical crap that makes you absolutely salivate to read the next book. If I had the skill, it would go something like this: SavvyJill: My favorite scene? (sly chuckle) Why it’s the scene where Jackie grabs the scissors and transforms Remy’s questionable tastes into a masterpiece, and of course Zane and Noah both decide how this little affair should be handled…(Ugh. Real Jill’s note – I can’t even do a GOOD pretend blurb. Let’s pretend that was amazing, okay?)
Truth is, I am awful at teasing spoilers of my own stuff. I really am. I mentally picture myself hunched over the finished book, clutching it to my chest and hissing at anyone that comes close.
Why do I have this issue with giving you spoilers about MY book? I have no clue. As a reader, I absolutely love spoilers and I actively seek them online. I want to know how stuff ends! I want to know that everything is going to be all right for the hero and heroine before I crack open the pages. I want to be warned in advance of the Dire Scary Plotline so I know that it all turns out okay and there is no anxious plot-sweating. So why is it so hard to do this with my own book? I think because it comes down to…I know how the entire book is. And if I spoil one thing for you, it’s going to turn into a domino effect of “Oh, didn’t you know Remy dies on page 357? It’s true, and it happens because she went after Noah with an axe and Zane got his wings removed and…waaaaaait!”
Slippery slope, my friends. Not to mention that I am terrible at things like, describing and brevity and telling-a-summary-and-having-it-make-sense. So I just keep my mouth shut and smile and look happy. Because I don’t want to ruin my own book for you. (And if you really want a spoiler, you can always email me.:)
Who Knew An Angel Could Get A Girl In So Much Devilish Trouble?
Jackie Brighton woke up in a Dumpster this morning, and her day has only gotten weirder. Her familiar B-cups have somehow become double Ds, her sex drive is insatiable, and apparently she had her fi rst one-night stand ever...with a fallen angel. All she remembers is gorgeous Noah's oddly hypnotic blue eyes...and then a dark stranger whose bite transformed her into an immortal siren with a sexy Itch. With help from Noah, Jackie begins to adapt to her new lifestyle — until she accidentally sends Noah into the deadly clutches of the vampire queen and lands herself in a fi erce battle for an ancient halo with the queen's wickedly hot righthand man. Who just happens to be the vampire who originally bit her. How's a girl supposed to save the world when the enemy's so hard to resist?
The giveaway for Gentlemen Prefer Succubi is open till 10:00pm December 27th and is open to US residents only. To enter you must be a blog follower, and please state in the comments that you'd like to win a copy of the book. If your email isn't attached to your blogger profile, please leave it so I can contact you if you win. So spammers don't get you leave your email like this: buckeyegirlreads at gmail dot com or something similar.
Where to find Jill: