Title: Lover Revealed
Author: J.R. Ward
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood #4
Lover Revealed from goodreads:
Butch O'Neal is a fighter by nature. A hard living, ex-homicide cop, he's the only human ever to be allowed in the inner circle of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. And he wants to go even deeper into the vampire world to engage in the turf war with the lessers. He's got nothing to lose. His heart belongs to a female vampire, Marissa, an aristocratic beauty who's way out of his league. If he can't have her, then at least he can fight side by side with the Brothers... Fate curses him with the very thing he wants. When Butch sacrifices himself to save a civilian vampire from the slayers, he falls prey to the darkest force in the war. Left for dead, he's found by a miracle, and the Brotherhood calls Marissa to bring him back. But even her love may not be enough to save him.
I totally didn't think I would like this book as much as I did. Butch was always a so-so character for me, and it wasn't until Z's story that I started to like him. What I thought was interesting was that Butch was brought into the brotherhood because of Beth, yet we never see any interaction between them. I could understand it in the other books, but why not in his book? I just thought it was weird that their connection was never mentioned after the first book. That annoyance aside, I really liked Marissa, and thought that she was one of the better heroines in the series so far. The only thing that I didn't get was why it took her so long to forgive Butch near the end. What did like in this book was the overall story-the lessers finally got interesting, and thought the whole prophecy thing was a cool twist to the story. These Brothers just grow on me more with every book!
Curran Crush Meter: Medium
Sigh Meter: Low
Sleep Meter: High
Barrons Hero Hotness Meter: Low
Ethan/Merit Sizzle Meter: Low

Title: Lover Revealed
Author: J.R. Ward
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood #5
Lover Unbound from goodreads:
Ruthless and brilliant, Vishous, son of the Bloodletter, possesses a destructive curse and a frightening ability to see the future. As a pretrans growing up in his father's war camp he was tormented and abused. As a member of the Brotherhood, he has no interest in love or emotion, only the battle with the Lessening Society. But when a mortal injury puts him in the care of human surgeon, Dr. Jane Whitcomb compels him to reveal his inner pain and taste true pleasure for the first time-until a destiny he didn't choose takes him into a future that cannot include her.
Is it possible to like a book while hating the ending? I loved, loved V's stories, and liked the flashbacks to his past. It explained so much about it. I also liked his relationship with Butch. The two together just make me laugh with their one liners. I also really liked Jane-that should have been my first sign that something was up. I liked her independence, and her relationship with V. I can honestly say that I didn't see the twist in the storyline come with regards to who Vs mother was. I still don't understand why she couldn't have done more at the end of the book to change the outcome of what happened. While I loved V, I can not state enough how stupid I thought the ending of this book was!!!
Curran Crush Meter: Medium
Sigh Meter: Low
Sleep Meter: High
Ethan/Merit Sizzle Meter: Low
Barrons Hero Hotness Meter: Medium
Title: Lover Revealed
Author: J.R. Ward
Genre: Paranormal Romance
Series: Black Dagger Brotherhood #6
Lover Enshrined from goodreads:
Fiercely loyal to the Black Dagger Brotherhood, Phury has sacrificed himself for the good of the race, becoming the male responsible for keeping the Brotherhood's bloodlines alive. As Primale of the Chosen, he is obligated to father the songs and daughters who will ensure that the traditions of the race survive, and that there are warriors to fight those who want all vampires extinguished. As his first mater, the Chosen Cormia wants to win not only his body but his heart for herself. She is drawn to the noble responsibility behind the emotionally scarred male. But Phury has never allowed himself to know pleasure or joy. As the war with the Lessening Society grows grim, tragedy looms over the Brotherhood's mansion, and Phury must decide between duty and love
I'll be honest-I went into this book with the lowest expectations that I've ever had going into a book this far into a series. I don't think a single person I talked to actually said that this book was their favorite or that they loved it. This book proves my theory that there is one book in every series that must fall in order for the series to grow. This book was all filler and building up for stories to come. I loved the Lash storyline-I thought it finally made the Lessers more of a threat. Blay, Qhuinn and John Matthew totally made this book as far as I'm concerned. I liked their story more then Phury and Cormia's. What can I say about Phury except that he was an idiot for most of the book. I didn't like how he treated Cormia, and while he was redeemed at the end of the book, I thought this book (like all of the books in this series) could've been 100 pages shorter. I also thought that there should have been more of an actual romance story in this book. While all of the books spilt the storyline between the romance being told, the lessers and other storylines, this one hardly spent anytime making the reader actually care about what happened between Phury and Cormia. I felt so sorry for her! I must be getting used to Wards writing style because the heroines aren't annoying me nearly as much as they did in the first few books. :) I'll end this by saying that John Matthew, Qhuinn and Blay totally won me over to their side in this book, and I hope that Qhuinn and Blay will have their own book!
--I was so annoyed by the romance in this book that I'm not going to even bother doing a meter. Phury doesn't deserve it. :)