- If you have a blog, post it on your blog with a link back to the site who gave it to you.
- Leave them a comment on their site, email, etc. to let them know.
- If you don’t have a blog but have a website, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter or other type account, post there with a link back.
- Pass this on to 3-10 loyal fans.
- I'm giving the Dragon loyalty award to:
Tasha from Heidenkind's Hideaway
Velvet at Vvb32Reads

The One Lovely Blog Award from The Sweet Bonjour-whose blog I just discovered. Please go and say hello! The rules of this award are that I'm to pass the award onto 15 bloggers whose blog you've recently discovered. I'm giving the award to:
Intense Whisper
That's Queen Bitch to You
Stacy's Place On Earth
Kindle Vixen
The Geeky Bookworm
The Fiction Vixen
Chick Lit Teens
Confessions of A Book Junkie
Marissa's BookLair
Pearl's World Of Romance
Alita Reads
The True Book Addict
Yesterday's Tuna

I have one last award that was given to me by the wonderful Alita Reads. It's the Happy Award 101 award. Don't you just love the name of that award? Here are the rules:
List 10 things that make you happy.
Try and do at least one of them today.
Tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day.
Link back to the person that tagged you.
Here are 10 things that make me happy-in no particular order:Try and do at least one of them today.
Tag 10 bloggers that brighten your day.
Link back to the person that tagged you.
1. The smell of Vanilla
2. White Christmas Tea from Stash Tea
3. My dog Cleo
4. Spending time with my sisters
5. Coffee
6. Spending my day off on Wednesday with my mom and the pets
7. Mahjong Titans
8. Getting books in the mail
9. Listening to my new Glee cds.
10. Barrons :)
I'm giving this award to my normal blomies: (Like homies, only since we blog, blomies. Thanks Velvet for that awesome word.)
Book Obsessed
JoJos Book Corner
Gofita's Pages
Leontine's Book Realm
The Little Bookworm
Fantasy Dreamer
One Literature Nut
A Book Lovers Diary
Book Addict
I want to thank everyone for welcoming me into the book blogging world & making it so much fun to review books! Just a reminder that I give these awards as a way of saying thank you for having such a great blog & you don't have to do anything with them. :)